Wow. It has been a LONG time since this blog has seen any love from moi!!! You would think that this winter would have been filled with catching up on this piece, but no. This winter has been one for the books. Anyways, an announcement on that later, gators ;)
So, let me tell you a little bit about this family. First of all, they are awesome. Secondly, they are super tight. An thirdly, they are in LOVE with their new addition!!!!! I met mama 13-ish years ago during a really tough time in my life. She was the head DA on a case of mine where one of my best friends and I were hit by a drunk driver. Long story short, she kicked butt and he went to prison. Flash forward to the present and she is still kicking butt in the courtroom, married a really great guy, has had the good fortune of becoming a stepmom to two really beautiful gentlemen, and become a mama to one really sweet little baby boy :)
I hope that you all enjoy a little bit of sweetness from their session with me!